Apr 26, 2021

It is important to protect your investment after selecting the right seed for your fields. Protecting early-season plant health is vital for soybeans to ensure that healthy roots are formed. Early-season water molds like pythium and phytophthora root rot can wreak havoc on your final crop, so providing extra protection heading into the growing season is essential. We take great pride in our seed treatment capabilities at   Central Region Cooperative. We carry a full line of premier seed treatment products to protect against early season disease and insect pressure.

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A combination of three fungicides: sedaxone for Rhizoctonia protection, mefenoxam for Pythium and Phytophthora protection, and fludioxonil for Fusarium protection.

Includes active ingredient in Cruiser insecticide for protection against seed- and foliar-feeding insects.

Facilitates increased plant growth and population 
An exclusive combination of fungicides for rapid and increased emergence of seedlings under certain cold conditions.

Provides protection against Pythium, early season Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium

Insecticides providing protection from pests including bean leaf beetles, early season soybean aphids and seedcorn maggots.
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The CRC team has decided to adopt Heads Up and Saltro to combat white mold and SDS, respectively. These diseases are increasingly robbing yields as high as 50% in severe infestations, yet can be managed.   
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A biological seed treatment that helps prevent fungal and bacterial diseases, for the prevention of SDS and white mold in soybeans.

An important part of your crop protection plan to fight diseases upon germination of your seed, giving your seed the upper hand on disease before yield robbing pathogens strike!
Saltro is new technology providing your soybeans protection from the yield-robbing devastation of Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS).

With more power to fight SDS and robust nematicidal activity, Saltro® fungicide seed treatment delivers superior SDS protection without early-season plant stress.
Call to Action Saltro - why it works


We take great pride in our seed treatment capabilities at Central Region Cooperative. Contact your Agronomy Team at Central Region Cooperative to learn more about seed treatment options that are a good fit for your acres.

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