Special Meeting; Board Elections
Dec 14, 2020

Central Region Cooperative Special Meeting – Board Election
Fairfax, Minnesota (December 14, 2020) – Central Region Cooperative (CRC) held a special meeting of the members of Central Region Cooperative. The purpose of the meeting was to tabulate the votes for the director election.
Incumbent director, Bruce Kuelbs was re-elected to the ten member board and will serve a four year term. There was a unanimous consent ballot electing Tim Kohn and Jason Boll, whom ran unopposed in District 3 and District 1, to serve another four-year term on the board.
The CRC board of directors would like to thank Bryan Sommers for running for board. The board wants to thank all patrons and customers for taking part in the 2020 Board Election and for the continued support of your Cooperative.
Fairfax, Minnesota (December 14, 2020) – Central Region Cooperative (CRC) held a special meeting of the members of Central Region Cooperative. The purpose of the meeting was to tabulate the votes for the director election.
Incumbent director, Bruce Kuelbs was re-elected to the ten member board and will serve a four year term. There was a unanimous consent ballot electing Tim Kohn and Jason Boll, whom ran unopposed in District 3 and District 1, to serve another four-year term on the board.
The CRC board of directors would like to thank Bryan Sommers for running for board. The board wants to thank all patrons and customers for taking part in the 2020 Board Election and for the continued support of your Cooperative.